Day 9 – Late Night Ramblings

I have a feeling this is going to be one of those rambling posts. You see, it´s 1:17 a.m., for me, still technically Day 9 because I have yet to go to bed. It´s been a long day – go to Jewel to get soda for Fine Arts Festival, drop soda off at middle school, work concessions at FAF, watch son perform at FAF, *nap*, out to dinner with friends (Black Rock – delicious!), back to friend´s house for drinks, home. I´m tired. But it was a good day. My son´s performance was awesome, had a lot of fun with our friends, and my parents even came to the concert. Tomorrow? Hope to be able to sleep in a little… then meal planning, grocery shopping, laundry, lesson planning, grading papers. Does it wear me out just thinking of all that needs to be done? Sure, but I am grateful for it all.

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