Day 18 – One of the Crazies

As I scroll back on my posts from just a week ago, I am amazed at how much things have changed already. Bars and restaurants have closed their dining rooms, stores have cut their operating hours, and it looks as though we may be sheltering in place soon. Entire cities have already shut down, and the Governor of Kansas has shut down schools for the remainder of the school year. Whoa.

I did not panic buy last week. I did my normal grocery shopping. I didn’t get TP. Mainly, because we didn’t need it, second to the fact that there was none to be found anywhere. I thought for sure I’d have no problem getting some this week. WRONG!

As our supply at home is dwindling, I stopped at a couple store when I was out this week. Of course, I saw nothing but empty shelves. Yesterday, I called my local Jewel. “No, we don’t have any. Your best bet is to be here with the crazies when we open at 6.” The crazies??!! The woman who answered the phone went on the explain that the employees are now doing all restocking overnight when the store is closed.

So… last night, I set my alarm for 5:15 a.m. This morning, I got up, threw on some clothes, made myself a cup of tea, and jumped in the car. As I pulled into the parking lot, there were quite a few cars. This particular store is remodeling, and construction workers were already busy inside. I didn’t see anyone looking as though they were waiting for the store to open, though. “Okay,” I thought to myself. Maybe I’ll get lucky. A couple more cars pulled into the lot, and two or three people got out of their cars to wait by the doors. I followed.

Doors open.

Grab a cart (wipe it down).

Head to the far right side of the store.

Nothing. Zip. Zero. Nada.

Okay, I decide to grab a few other things, then head to the checkout. On my way out, I talk to the service desk clerk. Apparently, their truck didn’t come. She thought it would come today, but had no idea what would be on it. Check again tomorrow.

Next move, down the street a bit to Menard’s. I pull into the parking lot, noticing they don’t open until 6:30. I still have a few minutes. I park the car, and get on Menard’s website to see if they are showing it in stock. THEY ARE! Okay, let’s hope the website is correct! A few more cars pull in the parking lot, and we all congregate at the doors. “I never thought I’d be standing at Menard’s doors waiting to buy toilet paper.” remarks one older gentleman. “Right??” I reply. As I look through the glass-front store, I see “the goods”. I had already checked the store’s map online to see where to find it, but seeing it in there brought me a surge of adrenaline.

The doors open, and half a dozen adults speed walk to retrieve the elusive goods. I grab one package of 24 rolls (limit 2), and also two rolls of paper towels, just in case. While I’m there, I grab some air freshener. Then I turn around and grab one more package of TP. I guess I am “one of the crazies” after all!

3 thoughts on “Day 18 – One of the Crazies

  1. Crazy? No, at this point I call it smart! Like you, I made a few stops yesterday with no luck, even after someone posting that a local Mariano’s had lots in stock. I did score big though at the nearby Walgreens, a Four Pack, woohoo! Let’s see you have 48 rolls and me 4, now who is the crazy one!


  2. I am sure all can relate to this post. I love how your humor showed through, and the build-up was nicely done.


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